Mirror Wills
In England and Wales, Mirror Wills are commonly used by married and unmarried couples that have very similar wishes about what should be written into their Wills.
Mirror Wills are two separate legal documents that are practically identical in almost every way, except for the name of the person and perhaps their individual funeral wishes and a specific gift.
A simple example of what a man and woman, married or not, with children could write into their Mirror Wills, is that the man leaves everything to the woman and the woman leaves everything to the man and whichever dies last leaves everything between their children in equal shares.
Here are 12 important reasons for making a Will. Which one is yours?
To save on inheritance tax when I die
To stop the council assessing my home to pay for care fees after I die if my spouse is taken in to care
To save a lot of stress, trauma, trouble, expense and delay after I'm gone
To appoint a guardian to care for my young children
To make financial provision for my children's future welfare
My partner and I have separate children and I don't want mine to lose out
To make sure there are no arguments in the family
So my spouse's family don't get everything if we die together
We're unmarried and neither will get anything when the other dies
I don't want the government to decide who gets what
To prevent my home from being sold while someone still needs it
To make provision for my friends, favourite charities and/or pets

Disadvantages of Mirror Wills
After Mirror Wills have been written, either person can subsequently change or update their Will without the other person knowing. The same applies after the death of one person, since there is no obligation for the surviving person to keep their original Mirror Will. It is therefore essential that you take the right advice and guidance when considering putting your Mirror Wills in place.